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We've Revamped Our Website in 2024 - Here's What's Changing

We've Revamped Our Website in 2024 - Here's What's Changing

Posted by Vagbremtechnic on 8th Jan 2024

It's time for a revamp, a pretty major one.

We want to give you a heads up on what to expect with our website in 2024 so you know what's coming and can get excited with us. A lot is changing - new layout, enhanced features, streamlined navigation. We think you're going to love it.

A Fresh New Look: Our Website Redesign for 2024

A Fresh New Look: Our Website Redesign for 2024

After over 5 years, it's time for a refresh to optimise the user experience and make key resources even easier to find. 

We've revamped the layout to be fully responsive so you'll have a great experience whether you're on your phone, tablet or desktop. The clean, minimal interface will load faster and scale beautifully across devices.

Streamlined Navigation

The menu is being simplified to help you get where you need to go in just a couple of clicks. Related content will be grouped more logically so you can explore resources by topic.

Enhanced Search Capabilities

We're improving our search functionality to deliver more relevant results. You'll be able to filter by content type, category and date to quickly pinpoint what you're looking for. Synonyms and semantically similar search terms will provide broader results.

Revised Content Categories

We're reorganising and expanding our content categories to make information easier to browse. Our resource library will cover additional related subjects and link to reputable external references and studies.

New and Exciting Content Coming Your Way

New and Exciting Content Coming Your Way

In 2024, we'll be launching loads of new content to keep you engaged and informed.

  • Expect to see more how-to guides and tutorials on using our products and services. We want to make things as easy as possible for you, our valued customers, so you can get the most out of what we offer.
  • We'll also be publishing weekly blog posts on industry news, trends, and insights. Our team of experts are always on the cutting edge of the latest technologies and techniques. We'll break down complex topics into digestible pieces so you're in the know too.
  • Video is huge these days, so we're ramping up video content. Look for video tutorials, behind-the-scenes footage, interviews with field experts, and more. If you're a visual learner, you'll love our new video content.
  • And of course, we'll continue to share posts on our social media channels multiple times each day to keep you engaged in between our longer-form content on the blog and podcast.

We're making these changes to provide you with a better overall experience. Our goal is to become your go-to resource for everything in performance braking. The additional content will give you more ways to connect with us and stay on the cutting edge. Please make sure your email subscription preferences are up to date so you don't miss a thing. 

Reconfirm Your Subscription to Keep Receiving Our Emails

To continue receiving our regular email updates, you'll need to reconfirm your subscription. We've recently switched email service providers, so we need all subscribers to opt-in again. Don't worry, it's a quick and easy process.

How to Reconfirm Your Subscription

Simply follow these steps:

  1. Look for an email from us with the subject line "Please Confirm Your Subscription". Open the email and click the "Confirm my subscription" button.
  2. This will take you to a confirmation page on our website. Enter your email address and click "Submit".
  3. You may be asked to check your inbox for a verification email. Open that email and click the link inside to finalise your confirmation.
  4. Once confirmed, you'll receive a welcome email from our new email service. You're all set - you'll continue receiving our regular newsletters and updates like before.
  5. If you don't receive a confirmation email from us, please check your spam folder. Our messages may have accidentally ended up there during the transition.
  6. If you're still unable to confirm your subscription, just send us a quick email at and we'll get you sorted.

We value our subscribers and want to make sure you continue receiving content that interests you. This confirmation process helps ensure our new email platform has your correct details and preferences. Let us know if you have any other questions!

We Want to Hear From You! Share Your Feedback on the Changes

We want to hear from you! Share your feedback on the changes


As we revamp the website, your input and feedback are invaluable. We have some ideas in the works for new content and features, but what do you want to see? What types of articles or topics would you find most useful? Are there any resources or tools you'd like us to provide?

Please feel free to email with any feedback you have.


Well, there you have it. Lots of changes coming down the pipeline for the website and our community. But the core of what we do remains the same - providing you with ethe best in braking.